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Atlast, A Revolutionary Method Where You Can Get Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks FREE!
While you may be wondering... nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it."
This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."So powerful is his secret that he's able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret "Wow! Ha! This is really unique ... and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest." Amazing!
The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential."Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long.A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says "We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things."
One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret "he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this."
It is currently available at
...So you may want to head on over there now and get it.
It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level. While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?
To your success,
By :Shamir Ahmed
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Dreams Of Business Success.
This is a fictitious story that originated in a dream. It is illegal and unethical to copy another persons product without their permission. This article was written only for entertainment purposes.
Even as a young boy I always made a lot of money. My first business was distributing the morning newspaper. I had twenty newsboys on bicycles that were at my dads garage at six in the morning. They dropped each newspaper off at the doorsteps of my customers and were paid at the end of the week. I got my share on the first of the month when my mailbox was packed with over one thousand envelopes filled with checks. Before I left for an ivy league college my business was sold for fifty thousand dollars. My major would be business administration, taught to me by professors who never knew how to start up a newspaper delivery business. But they understood the inner workings of large corporations. After six years I graduated with a masters degree in business but was now broke. The college costs wiped me out. My parents were now in a nursing home and could not give me any help. Every thing I had was contained in my head, but I was sure it would help me survive.
The secretary was not impressed with my M.B.A. and the rest of the information on my resume, she told me that I would make better use of my time by looking for a job. I met the top money lender after practically breaking into his office. He was a sloppy looking man with a desk piled with assorted financial documents. He was scratching his crotch while sipping on a can of soda. He looked up at me and said: “Watta You Want?” After an hour of listening to my business proposal he was able to offer me a hundred thousand dollar line of credit. His interest rates were staggering but I was in no position to refuse his offer. He didn’t bother to shake my hand or say goodbye when I left his office, but his line of credit was all I needed.
I rented a large dairy cow barn situated in the middle of a hundred acre deserted farm. Its anonymity would be perfect for the business of manufacturing copies of famous name handbags. It was soon filled with fifty used sewing machines that I got at an auction. The manager I hired was an unemployed alcoholic but an expert at putting a handbag together. The fifty sewing machine operators were recruited outside the downtown unemployment office and were happy to get a job. The leather goods and other supplies were given to me with only a promise to pay my bills. My customers were hundreds of money hungry peddlers that sold them on the sidewalks of big cities. The production line was soon turning out two thousand copies of designer ladies handbags daily. The top money lender got his hundred grand back with interest in less than one year. He even invited me to be the best man at his wedding, and we became good friends.
After twelve years of a big profits I was forced to close down. The real manufacture of the designer handbag warned me of legal action if I remained in business. But since I had bigger and better ideas and had made over seventeen million dollars it was time for me to move on. My employees were each given a severance pay of ten thousand dollars and a kiss on the cheek. Each took home as many fake designer handbags as they could carry, and latter sold them to their lady friends. I took home only one as a gift to my live in girlfriend, but she knew immediately that it was a fake. I was forced to get her the real thing, which cost me twelve hundred bucks. That ended my involvement with ladies handbags. Now I was interested in buying a business with a brand name product that could not be pirated. But that is almost impossible in a world where everybody is desperate to be successful businessmen.
by: Guest
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Force A Low Cost Auto Insurance Quote Out Of Your Local Auto Insurance Agent!
What do you do when the cost of gas goes out of sight? You can get a low cost auto insurance quote, save a bundle of money and take the pain out of the pump. A low cost vehicle insurance can save you enough money to pay for one or two tank fulls a month. That's a big savings!
No Matter what you do with the substantial savings it's going to be fun. Any time you receive money that's not in the budget it is shouting time. So what will you do with the money you're going to save?
I hear you asking just how the heck do I get this lowest cost car insurance? Well it's really not that hard but with all the different people and web sites out there competing for your business it gets confusing. So the first thing I want to do is expose some myths about car insurance quotes.
Auto Insurance Quote Myth #1
Online car insurance quote sites are instant but the problem is it's impossible to get a cheap car insurance quote from them. They can't afford to put the lowest rate in their data base because if they did some hacker would figure out how to get the cheapest rate every time and would be offering the secret on the web as fast as they can build a web site to sell the secret.
The fact that needs to be remembered is that online THEMEKWD percent quote sites are fast but expensive and the purpose of this article is to help you get the lowest cost car insurance quote.
Auto Insurance Quote Myth #2
If I go to each agent I'll get a better rate. Well on this one you're all most there but far enough away that you wouldn't get the cheap quote. You see a lot of well meaning and conscientious vehicle owners start this process but end up paying way too much and here's why.
Almost every one who calls on the phone or walks into an car insurance agent's office says they are going around getting quotes for their car insurance. The problem being the agents know that doing this is a big pain. The person they want to talk to is usually not at their desk, is busy with someone else or just plain not available.
You end up playing phone tag which leads to frustration and accomplishes nothing. You've spent all this time trying to get a quote and you end up accomplishing nothing except frustration.
You see the agents know this so even if you get to them for a quote they will give you the regular every day quote because they know that 95 percent of the people trying this method of getting that lowest cost auto insurance quote give up and pay the rate quoted just to get the task finished.
The Secret Of Low Cost Auto Insurance Quote!
It's not a tightly held secret but with all the misinformation floating around it gets lost in the shuffle. The only ones who have the authority to give you a low cost auto quote are the local agents in your area and they give that low quote only when they are forced to.
Force An Agent To Give A Low Quote!
Here is how to get that agent to think competitively. Sharp agents like to compete especially against other sharp agents. They might be best friends on the golf course but get them competing for your business and they "take no prisoners". They want your policy - they like to win.
There are a couple of way auto insurance agents get paid. They get a commission on the policy they sell you and they get paid a bonus commission for every policy they write for the month at the end of the month. The more they sell the more they receive in the bonus.
Bonus checks are what keep their spouses happy. They will sell policies at little or no profit just to add to their end of the month policy count. And this is where you get that low cost vehicle insurance we have been talking about.
Here's What To Do To Get That Lowest Quote!
By going to the link for low cost auto insurance, you are starting the competition for the lowest quote. Fill out one little form which will immediately be faxed to six or seven of the sharpest local agents in your area. Now the competition begins.
The agent knows that they must do every thing in their power to write the policy because their best friends also got the same quote request. Remember they like to win and will do what ever is necessary to give you the lowest quote possible.
Your going to laugh when you see those low cost car insurance quotes. You'll wonder why you didn't use this method before. Pick the one that is best for you and your family and celebrate.
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Auto Insurance in Alabama -- How to find it.
If you are driving your car in Alabama, without carrying an auto insurance, you will get in trouble because your license will be revoked, you will have to pay a good amount of money (like $150), and you will have to obtain an insurance for your auto if you want it to be registered again.
A lot of companies in Alabama will give you great discounts for your auto insurance for any of the following cases: First, if you are married, you can get a discount just by letting your wife being the primary driver while you are the secondary one. Also, you can earn a lot of money if you are still studying and your age is bellow 25, but for some cases, you will need to maintain good great points along all your career. Auto insurance in Alabama gives you protection in case you have an accident, but it is also needed to be fine with the laws of the state. A lot of experts will tell you that a broad insurance coverage is needed in order to be fully safe yourself in the event you are surprised with these kind of problems. In Alabama, it is required that all drivers to have a minimum auto insurance, and what is means is that you will be protected against of all the expenses for all vehicles involved in the accident and those medicals costs if applicable. And sometimes, your legal fees will be covered as well. You should be comparing of all insurance costs, and the minimum coverage several companies have. When you are going to choose your auto insurance provider, keep asking them about their service, the agents they have, availability, and national coverage. You should checkout for at least three insurance companies in Alabama online before making the decision of selecting your auto insurance.
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If you love sports and you love photography, then you’ve got the mindset needed to go after a potentially profitable business opportunity! All you really need now is the right equipment and motivation to go after that dream. SportMatrix can’t get you the equipment but they can give you the platform you need to get started, and they can do so for free!
Of course any good business owner needs business cards or post cards that they can use when they do a photo shoot to help promote their business. Although that isn’t something SportMatrix can give you, they can help you by offering their own recommendations.
So how does someone make money using their website? When someone purchases a photo product from the individual website, the photographer earns a specific amount of money from that product. By attending sports events and taking photographs you are then enabling people from that event to buy items with these photos on them from you, in turn creating a profit for yourself!
Those who are interested in starting up and don’t already have the equipment, such as SLR photography equipment or business cars, needed for a good photography business is looking at an investment around $2000-$2200 but that is investment into things you need for any good photography business, not for the use of SportMatrix.
Business Opportunities Weblog
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Google to Release “Chrome” Browser Early.
After accidentally sending out a premature press release, Google is prepared to enter the browser market earlier than anticipated with Google Chrome - a cutting edge web browser that has been created with today’s internet user in mind. More details after the jump.
The browser will offer several unique features including…
* Advanced tabbed browsing where each tab gets its own process, significantly reducing browser crashes
* A distinct layout that places tabs on top of the browser window instead of underneath the address bar
* A new JavaScript engine that is geared for speed
* Increased browser security through automatically updated malware and phishing lists
* A default home page that displays your most visited websites and other customizable information…
* An “incognito” mode (aka “porn mode”) that lets you browse websites in complete privacy without recording any of your activity.
While Chrome is expected to challenge Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer in the browser battles, Michael Arrington of TechCrunch believes the true target is Windows:
“Expect to see millions of web devices, even desktop web devices, in the coming years that completely strip out the Windows layer and use the browser as the only operating system the user needs. That was going to happen anyway, but Chrome + Gears just made the decision a whole lot easier for hardware manufacturers to make.
Microsoft, meanwhile, is stuck with a bloated closed source browser that they don’t even tether to their search engine for fear of more antitrust woes. Google can push their search engine and other web services all day long on Chrome, with no government interference. So not only will Chrome drive lots of incremental revenue to Google, it also paves the way for a Microsoft-free computing experience.”
Chrome will be released later today is available for download now. If you haven’t seen the screenshots yet, head on over to TechCrunch for a quick preview. (
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Africans to gain' from web plan.
Google is helping develop a system to bring high-speed internet connections to three billion people developing countries in Africa and elsewhere.
The 03b Networks system aims to use satellites to provide broadband services at the same speeds as those on offer in rich countries.
The service, which is due to begin in 2010, is also backed by cable operator Liberty Global and the bank HSBC.
It aims to tap into booming mobile phone usage in the developing world.
It will target markets in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
The founders of 03b Networks recently helped pioneer the first commercial 3G mobile and fibre-to-the-home networks in Rwanda, the company said in a statement.
Production of an initial 16 satellites has begun, and the project allows for additional satellites to increase capacity.
The company said the system will enable the spread of locally generated content and e-learning, encouraging social and economic growth in the developing world.
There are various other projects under way to bring faster and cheaper internet access to the African continent.
Kenya has commissioned a fibre-optic cable from Fujaira in The United Arab Emirates along the sea floor of the Gulf of Oman, down the East African coast to the port town of Mombasa.
Another undersea telecommunications cable, known as East African Submarine Cable System (Eassy), intends to connect 21 countries to each other and the rest of the world with high-quality internet.
By Katy.
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Apple unveils 'thinnest iPod yet'
Apple has unveiled the latest version of its iPod Nano, featuring what it says are the thinnest measurements yet.
The fourth generation Nano was launched at a US press conference by Apple chief Steve Jobs, who announced new shuffle and library features.
He also listed the Nano's environmental credentials, including arsenic-free glass and a mercury and PVC-free body that is "highly recyclable".
The Nanos are expected to sell in the UK for £109 ($191) for the 8GB version.
The 16GB version will retail at £149.
Speaking live in San Francisco, Mr Jobs unveiled Apple's new Genius function which allows users to create automatic playlists from the iPod's library with the click of a button.
He said the function worked by taking one song and creating a playlist based on the user's song library and could also suggest other tracks the user might want to buy.
Mr Jobs described the new Nano as "highly recyclable"
Mr Jobs said the new Nano also had a "shake to shuffle" mode, which sends the gadget to shuffle mode with the flick of a wrist allowing you to go backwards and forwards on your playlist.
'Lots of fun'
The Apple chief executive officer said the company had sold more than 160 million iPods since its introduction seven years ago.
An updated iPod Touch - the closest cousin to the iPhone - was also announced at the event.
It is thinner than previous models and has integrated volume controls and a built-in speaker for "casual listening" and will also include the Genius function.
New software for the iPhone - which will be available free to all users - would "fix a lot of bugs" including dropped calls and connection problems reported by customers.
Mr Jobs said: "We're really, really excited about all these products. We think people are going to have a lot of fun."
Rocks the house?
The Apple announcement was much touted on the blogosphere for days leading up to the launch with plenty of speculation about what would be unveiled.
Gizmodo's Jesus Dias was not disappointed and said "iPod touch second generation rocks our socks off."
However Craig Grannell of Cult of Mac said "Fairly modest expectations were barely met and all we got were skinny things we already knew about anyway."
Instead of picking a few colours, Jobs said they decided to pick every colour
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak told the BBC that this line up of new products did not deliver the way the company has in the past.
"I don't like to sound like I am putting products down. I like new pieces of hardware and I didn't think it was the biggest one of all time for Apple.
"But then we don't present like we do at our Mac World Expo. Some of our introductions are weaker than others and we didn't really expect an awful lot from today."
Wall Street's reaction was also fairly lacklustre with Apple's share price actually falling more than 7 points during the course of the event from $159.64 (£90) to $152.12 (£86).
Some analysts however were more than happy with Apple's product launch. "These are evolutionary products with some revolutionary new features," Michael Gartenburg, vice president of Jupiter Media told the BBC.
"Apple has done it again. They have reinvented the line in a way to capture mainstream consumers' hearts and minds and doing at a price point that is extremely affordable."(BBC)
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MySQL Bible
Product Description
* Organization: The book is divided into five parts: Getting Starated with MySQL and Relational Databases; Understanding SQL Through MySQL; MySQL Administration; MySQL Developer Guide; and Advanced and Specialized MySQL Topics.
* Comprehensive coverage: This Bible covers both beginning-level and advanced topics. Topics covered include: introduction to relational database management; installing and configuring MySQL on the Linux, Windows 2000, and Mac OS X operating systems; MySQL security; debugging and repairing MySQL databases and servers; MySQL performance tuning; and developing MySQL applications with Perl and PHP.
* Coverage of NuSphere MySQL: Due to the growing popularity of the NuSphere MySQL package, this book covers its enhancements and how to install and develop with NuSphere MySQL.
* Running database application: This book builds an e-commerce sample database application throughout to demonstrate concepts and topics.
About the Author
Steve Suehring (Stevens Point, Wisconsin) is currently a Systems Engineer at CoreComm, a 350,000-user Internet Provider. In addition to his other responsibilities, Steve maintains authentication infrastructure using MySQL as the database backend. Steve has built numerous applications with both the Oracle and MySQL databases. He is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Cisco Certified Design Associate, and Cisco Certified Network Professional. Steve has also written articles for Linux Magazine.
By DownSoft24h
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Invisible IP Map 2.7
Invisible IP Map is user-friendly software that masks your real location. Every computer that is connected to the Internet has its own IP address which could easily be located on a map. This program will help you show yourself like you are surfing from another place on the planet.
This is a Mask IP software which is used to change your real Internet address while browsing. The software will deliver you fresh anonymous proxy servers every time you decide to ###### on "Get IP Locations". The main benefit of this software is that you can't be traced when browsing websites. Also if a website is restricted for users from specified country the program can bypass that protection. By hiding your IP you will prevent receiving spam from marketers which know your interests by tracking your IP when browsing websites. You can use web based e-mail to send anonymous e-mail. Post on bulletin boards without displaying your real IP address.
- Map Menu
This is they key part of the software. Here you can change your IP address, retreive IP locations, get information about your IP location or the location of the other server. In addition, you can recheck the servers
- IP Information
This screen will give you all the information about your IP and the remote IP. You can see information such as city, region, country, distance between you and the remote server, server type, timeout etc. (1.4 MB)
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Insurance Company?
Insurance Company is a financial company or institution which does the work of selling insurance policies of all types in order to hedge the risk of contingent future losses or damages or hazards.
These possible risks are not certain to take place in the future because future is uncertain. But a person cannot take a wait-and-see approach because it would subject them to sheer risk. If the casualty or damage or loss do happen then the person without any insurance would not get any compensation from the insurance company.
If a person buys an insurance against any future risk then in case of actual causation the insurance company would compensate for the resulting financial loss.
Issuance of insurance by an insurance company is not a free affair. Rather the policy holder of insurance is needed to pay a regular payment amount to the insurance company till its maturity. This amount is either repaid in entirety or in part to the insurance holder in case of occurrence of the hazard or casualty or loss. But it has been observed that many insurances are not claimed due to non-occurrence of the risk and thus the premiums paid by the policy holders become the profit of the insurance company.
Insurance companies offer insurances on the following categories :-
-Life Insurance
-Medical Insurance
-Non-life or General Insurance
Non life or general insurance issuing companies can again be classified under :-
-Standard Insurance Company
This type of insurance companies generally issue insurances against commercial and residential related risks, automobile related risks and the risks associated with businesses. These are mainly standardized policies with minimum scope of customization in accordance with personal needs of the customers. The characteristic features of this type of companies include lower rate of premium and direct sales to the customer approach.
-Excess Insurance Company
This type of insurance company is involved in insuring the risks which are out of the fold of the Standard Insurance companies. These insurances are given to those persons who are not licensed insurers of the concerned state.
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How To Make Money At Online Paid Survey Sites.
After working for online paid survey sites for over a year, I can say that they are a worthwhile time investment. I have gotten very good at it, and for just a few hours a day Iave earned extra income.
However, there are many sites that claim to have paid surveys but they are a scam to take your money. Choose wisely amongst the thousands of online jobs. It is best to make sure you do your homework and only select legitimate offers.
It can take a lot of research to discover that an ad on the internet is a scam, although sometimes it is obvious from the title alone. Read everything thoroughly to be sure you know what you are getting into.
Hereas an example: aEarn $100 an hour just typing forms!a If this were a real job, do you think anyone would bother working in an office? Everyone would stay home and spend only a few hours a day filling out forms, and earn more money than a normal job. Trust your common sense when searching for online jobs.
I joined most of the survey sites that seemed legitimate, and soon my inbox was full of invitations. That meant that I could choose only the ones that paid the best, and ignore the ones that only offered a chance to win a sweepstakes.
Iave earned a nice income through the paid survey sites. Some of them pay instantly, through paypal, egold, or even as a direct deposit to my bank account! Some sites pay by check, which can take up to four weeks to reach my mailbox.
Paid online survey sites definitely work! I have the checks, receipts, and bank statements to prove it, and I can show them to anyone who asks. I spend just a few hours a week, when I have some spare time, and earn money when I wouldnat otherwise be working.
You, too, can earn money at online paid survey sites. Just pay attention and follow the advice of people like me, so that you can avoid the scams. You will be well on your way to earning a supplemental income!
By JD Penn
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Online Insurance ?
Online Insurance has almost revolutionized the insurance market by making the whole process of selection, comparing and buying of insurances hassle-free and fast. This has led to massive expansion of the market. Now, a customer don't have to go outside for choosing the right insurance. He could do this by surfing through the
-insurance company websites from his personal computer or
-comparing different online insurance sites meant specifically for selecting, comparing and buying insurances online
Now, the consumer could avail all the details of different insurance policies from various insurance related websites and could choose the one he considers to be the best, fitting his demands.
The consumer could do the selection, comparing and buying of online insurance by following the processes given below :-
-Searching for the requisite insurance policy on the basis of insurance type and coverage amount.
-After searching is over, the customer has a whole array of online insurance schemes in front of him with different quotes and incentives. Comparing them manually with each other is a cumbersome work for the customer. But the online insurance websites do this work of comparing on behalf of the customer. Now, he has the comparative analysis of different insurance policies in front of him in accordance to his needs and requirements.
-The customer chooses the insurance policy that meets all his requirements. He could apply or order for it either on an
(a)online basis
The customer could visit the respective insurance company website and fill up the application form for the particular policy. He could then submit the application form online.
(b) offline basis
The customer could also order for the selected insurance policy by calling the concerned insurance company over phone and applying for the same. The representative would then come down to the customer's place and do the rest for him. (EconomyWatch)
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Mortgage Insurance?
Mortgage Insurance protects a person in cases of non-payment of the mortgage loans taken by him within a particular time span. The reason for this non-payment may range from death to unexpected job-loss to illness to accident. The claims associated with the Mortgage Insurance generally has time span of 1 year.
This mode of paying off the mortgage loan through insurance in cases of respective non-payments of regular outstanding debts has some specifications. The debts accumulated by the policy holder before registering for the Mortgage Insurance are not included in the insurance policy. The medical conditions of the insured person prior to the insurance initiation such as pregnancy, physical disorder, etc are not considered within the insurance coverage until and unless the policy holder backs it up with proper medical evidences.
The costs associated with the Mortgage Insurance are included in the regular payment made by the debtor to the creditor on a monthly basis. This cost is charged in case of private mortgage insurance scheme where the down payment amount is less than 20% of the value of the mortgaged house. Hence for a loan having a loan-to-value (LTV) of greater than/equal to 80% attracts an additional cost. This type of insurance is also known as PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance ) because the back up involved in such cases usually involves private players and not the government.
This Mortgage Insurance term would be more clear in case of Mortgage Life Insurance. This insurance covers the death of the debtor. Mortgage Insurance comes handy in scaling down the debtor's down-payment amount further from 20% to 5% or 10%. This Mortgage Insurance increases the purchasing power of the borrower opening more options before them.
Benefits associated with Mortgage Insurance involve tax deductions for those purchasers buying homes repeatedly. (EconomyWatch)
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How to Create a Successful Web Site For Almost Nothing, P. 2.
Thanks to competition among Web-hosting providers, and the falling costs of Web storage, it’s never been easier to get a Web site up and running — from buying the domain name to building a site to setting up a payment system to tracking traffic.
This week in a 5-part series, we’ll lay out all the steps you need to take to build your site, and present some expert opinion about getting it noticed and keeping track of customers — all with no technical background required. Yesterday, we bought our web address, today we find it a home.
For years, companies have charged small businesses a fee to “host” sites — store the sites’ content on their computers. According to a recent survey from Jupiter, about a third of small-business executives say they pay up to $1,000 a year for Web hosting, and about another third pay more than $1,000.
Fortunately, in the past year, a number of companies have begun providing hosting services free of charge. They often make money by charging for premium services or running ads on your Web pages.
All you need to do is visit the Web site for one of these hosting services — such as Microsoft Corp.’s Office Live Small Business, Weebly Inc. or SynthaSite Inc. — and enter a user name, a password and some other details. Then visit your domain-name registrar and tweak your settings so that your Web address points to the service you’ve chosen. The hosting service will give you instructions on how to do this. (BusinessOpportunities)
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Green tea flooding bottled drink market.
At a Ho Chi Minh City’s Maximark supermarket, a middle-aged housewife rushes to swipe all the bottles of sweetened green tea from the shelf. “Green tea is my family’s favorite drink these days,” she says, adding that she often has to buy extra on the weekend. Green tea has been drunk in copious amounts by Vietnamese families at home and in restaurants for centuries. A recent boom in bottled green tea, made both locally and abroad, means that the traditional beverage is now competing with big names like Pepsi Cola and even bottled water. Nga, a convenience shop owner in a District 5 alley off An Duong Vuong Street, says she started selling bottled green tea – which is often sweetened with honey or sugar – when she noticed the beverages were selling like hotcakes at other local shops. She says she sells two or three 12-bottle cartons a day while her sales of purified water and other soft drinks are declining.
Citimart supermarket director Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa says Vietnamese customers believe green tea is good for their health and are willing to spend the extra VND1,000-2,000 (6-12 US cents) to enjoy the beverage over purified water or other soft drinks. “Our customers buy so much green tea that our supermarket often runs out of it,” says Hoa. She says that green tea has become so popular that she must now fend off uninvited solicitors marketing non-beverage products such as green tea milk and green tea cakes.
Maximark managing director Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao says bottled green tea sales have grown a rapid 30-40 percent over the last year. She says some of the most popular brands have doubled their sales in the last 12 months, adding that each market in his chain sells about 500 cartons of green tea bottles a day on average.
Ralf Matthaes, managing director of market research company TNS Vietnam, says that though consumer confidence has faltered on high inflation, the price hikes have not affected the sale of bottled green tea. A TNS Vietnam survey released last month listed the green tea as one of the five fastest growing domestic markets between June 2007 and June 2008.
Tan Hiep Phat Group became the first company to sell bottled green tea on the local market in early 2006. It invested US$20 million in production equipment from Canada to launch the popular 0 Degree brand. Tran Qui Thanh, chairman of the group which gained initial success with its popular Number 1 energy drink, says its factory in Binh Duong Province has nearly reached its capacity of 12,000 bottles per hour and the group is calling for more capital from other investors to expand the factory.
URC Vietnam, an affiliate of the Filipino-based Universal Robuna Corporation, spent some $14.5 million launching its more successful brand of bottled green tea, C2, the most popular ready-to-drink green tea beverage for sale in Vietnam. The URC Vietnam factory in Binh Duong Province’s Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park is stretched to its capacity and has to import the product from its parent company to meet local demand.
Vu Quoc Tuan, public relations manager at PepsiCo International Vietnam, says the bottled green tea market has grown 300 percent over the last year. “No drink has grown like that,” he says. PespiCo has reached an agreement with Unilever Vietnam allowing the soft drink giant to produce Unilever’s Lipton Pure Green, made at a factory in Ho Chi Minh City. Tuan said the cola giant will start its second factory in Vietnam late this year to expand its production of bottled green tea. (VNB 3 September 2008)
Opec agrees oil production curb
Mr Khelil said Opec would re-assess the situation at the end of the year
Opec has told its members to strictly limit their production to agreed quotas as Brent crude dipped below $100 a barrel for the first time since April.
After talks in Vienna, Opec president Chakib Khelil said the measures to curb over-production amounted to a cut of
520,000 barrels a day within 40 days.
North Sea Brent fell $4.54 to $99.04 on Tuesday before rising
to $100.34, while US Brent fell $3.08 to end on $103.26.
Prices have sunk from a record of more than $147 a barrel seen in July.
The price has since fallen by nearly 30% as a global economic slowdown has reduced demand for oil.
Supply has also been increased in recent months by some Opec members - principally Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, Indonesia has said suspended its membership of Opec.
"The conference regretfully accepted the wish of Indonesia to suspend its full membership in the organisation and recorded its hope the country would be in a position to rejoin the organisation in the not too distant future," Opec said in a statement.
After the late-night talks in Vienna, the group announced it had decided to "strictly" comply to the production ceilings agreed in September last year, which amount to 28.8m barrels a day excluding Indonesia and Iraq.
It linked the falling price of oil to falling economic growth, a stronger US dollar, easing geo-political tensions and greater supply.
Supply has also been increased in recent months by some Opec members
"All the foregoing indicates a shift in market sentiment causing downside risks to the global oil market outlook," a statement said.
The effect of the measures, according to Algerian Oil Minister Chakib Khelil, who chaired the meeting, will be a cut of about 520,000 barrels a day.
"Actions [to curb output] will be taken by members as soon as they can, that means in the next 40 days," he said.
Opec members will re-assess the situation when the meet again at the end of the year.
The BBC's Bethany Bell in the Austrian capital says the move is a compromise meant to avoid new turmoil in the oil markets, but it also reflects Opec's attempts to stop the recent falls in global prices. (BBC)
A business is an organization which is legally recognized to offer goods and services to the consumers and other entities like governments, social sector organizations, and other corporate entities.
Businesses are one of the building blocks of capitalist economies. Most businesses are privately owned, but they can be listed on stock markets or owned by governments and other organizations. The main purpose of a business is to earn profit and add to the wealth of their owners or shareholders. By providing useful goods or services and assuming some risks, businesses seek to develop a positive cash flow.
Business types are normally defined by means of ownership, as outlined below:
Sole proprietorship: A business owned by one person. This is the simplest and most prevalent form of business worldwide, but also the least economically productive. Most ‘mom and pop’ shops and freelancers tend to fall into this category. The owner has total and unlimited liability for all debts incurred, but may pay less tax and be subject to less stringent regulations.
Partnership: A business owned by two or more partners. Each partner has total and unlimited liability for all debts of the business in a general partnership, but there are some levels of protection in limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships. Traditionally, professional services organizations like legal and consultancy practices have tended to form as partnerships.
Corporation: A limited liability business that has a separate legal entity than its owners. A corporation is designed to generate profit, has more than one owner, and has a board of directors who are responsible for hiring (and firing) its management team. Public corporations will list some or all of their shares on stock markets, and will then be required to make public their financial performance.
Cooperative: Like a corporate, a cooperative business or a ‘co-op’ is a limited liability entity that is for-profit. However it is owned by members, normally in large numbers, and not shareholders. Members have voting rights on all major business decisions. Co-ops are normally classified as either consumer cooperatives or worker cooperatives.
Categories of Business
Businesses can be categorized by the nature of services offered, as follows:
Service businesses: These businesses specialize in providing intangible products and services and earn a profit by charging a certain amount for the services that they offer. Business organizations including lawyers, accountants, consulting firms, designers, architects, entertainers and other professionals come under the purview of service businesses.
Financial businesses: These businesses include banks and other corporate entities that deal with capital management and investment.
Manufacturers: These businesses specialize in production of goods from raw materials. Manufacturers earn profits by selling final products in the domestic and/or international markets.
Retailers and distributors: These business organizations serve as mediators between manufacturers and consumers. The majority of consumer-oriented outlets, e-commerce sites and catalogue companies come under this category.
Real estate businesses: These businesses generate profits by trading buildings, land, and all other forms of residential and commercial property.
Agricultural and mining businesses: These businesses are involved in the production and distribution of raw materials for the manufacturing companies.
Transportation businesses: These businesses generate profits by transporting people, commodities, parts, and finished goods.
Utilities: These businesses are involved in providing public services like sewage treatment, communications, and power.
Information businesses: These businesses deal with production, distribution, and marketing of software and hardware products. Outsourcing businesses also fall under the domain of information business.(EconomyWatch)