If you love sports and you love photography, then you’ve got the mindset needed to go after a potentially profitable business opportunity! All you really need now is the right equipment and motivation to go after that dream. SportMatrix can’t get you the equipment but they can give you the platform you need to get started, and they can do so for free!
Of course any good business owner needs business cards or post cards that they can use when they do a photo shoot to help promote their business. Although that isn’t something SportMatrix can give you, they can help you by offering their own recommendations.
So how does someone make money using their website? When someone purchases a photo product from the individual website, the photographer earns a specific amount of money from that product. By attending sports events and taking photographs you are then enabling people from that event to buy items with these photos on them from you, in turn creating a profit for yourself!
Those who are interested in starting up and don’t already have the equipment, such as SLR photography equipment or business cars, needed for a good photography business is looking at an investment around $2000-$2200 but that is investment into things you need for any good photography business, not for the use of SportMatrix.
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